Investments In Minority Shares

Patience and Trust

__Long-term Strategy and Investment Appreciation

  • We have a multi-year investment strategy.
  • We invest additional resources into the companies we enter to increase their value

“We invest in companies in which we see growth potential.”

__Innovation and development

  • We offer know-how and our energy mainly in financial planning and business activities.
  • We do not interfere with the operational management of the company, which is under the responsibility of the chosen management.
  • We emphasize asset management orientation and maximize the value of each asset.

“We follow trends in the fields we focuse on.”

__Support for Family-owned Businesses

  • We understand family businesses and the complexity of negotiations between their co-owners.
  • We try to stabilize the ownership structure during the period of generational change.

We understand family businesses.

__Professional controlling system

  • We regularly discuss the company’s financial performance with the majority shareholder.
  • We apply modern controlling mechanisms.
  • We set international reporting standards.
  • We apply a financial management.
  • Investments are approved and revised by investment committee.

We regularly review company processes.

__Growth of the Czech Economy

  • We trust Czech companies and their potential.
  • We support the education and professional development of employees.
  • We believe in the development of the Czech economy and approaching to Western markets.

Czech companies have many experts and professionals.